The Lord is Requiring Self-Discipline in This Hour

The Lord is Requiring Self Discipline in this Hour.
I recently started an at home workout called, 22 Min Hard Corp. It is a military boot-camp style workout. This came after the Lord gave me a personal word about, “staying Focused,” this year.

But as I was in prayer this morning, I heard the Holy Spirit say, “You are in the Lords Army and your life requires discipline.” I immediately felt a download from the Holy Spirit.

Friends, this is an hour where we have to have discipline in our lives! The Lord is not merely suggesting it, but rather it is a requirement for success in this new season. Laziness will no longer suffice.
The enemy has kept so many people distracted by all these little “fires” that we keep running around trying to put out, (myself included.) That we have lost focus on what we are called to do. We have let the cares of the world and our circumstances get us off track.

So many, have burnt themselves out on non sequential things.
(Things that don’t matter in the big picture) It’s time to get your house in order, both physical and spiritual. It is time to de-clutter and downsize, getting rid of unnecessary things in your life.

It’s time to prepare yourself. It’s time to establish some self discipline in your life!
Once you’ve created a routine, once you have structure in your life, then God can bring His order into your life. I just heard the Lord say, “Your life lacks order, because it lacks discipline.”

You need a productive routine in your life, something that is going to move you forward into the things of God and your family.

It’s time to get serious about your health and your purpose. Stop worrying so much about where God is taking you and start building a life of structure and discipline, so that when you get there, you can handle the pressure.

Otherwise, the same old tactics the enemy uses to keep you distracted now, will continue to work and delay your destiny even longer!

What does discipline look like? It can be creating a routine of prayer time, family time, or an exercise routine. Putting yourself on a schedule, but still remaining flexible because life happens. People with discipline have learned the power of saying, “No” to anything that distracts them from what they are focused on.

They also tend to “complete” what they start, a big area of weakness for many. But be encouraged God is giving grace to those who repent and start moving forward again.
Oh my friends, I pray this word, encourages you and convicts your heart to do those things, you know God is speaking to you. Let this be a word of exhortation and instruction from the Father who loves you dearly and wants you to fulfill all that He has for you!
1 Corinthians 9:24-27
#discipline #honor #success #routines #order #prayer #propheticencouragement #hope #born2inspirelife



2021 Mega Momentum


As I was praying this morning, I asked the Lord for a Word for the New year. I heard, “Momentum.”

Momentum definition is, speed, pace, fastness and swiftness.
I then heard, “Mega.”

Mega definition is, extensive, expansive, immeasurable.


Things are picking up in the spirit, I feel a sense of excitement and urgency. I hear people all the time say ,”Get ready.” But I hear the Lord say, “BE ready!” When I plan to take take my kids somewhere, I tell them to get ready, that means I am allowing them time to get their things together. If I say, “Be ready.” That means, the time is near, and you need to be ready to walk out the door, when I say so!

I feel God is saying that to us now, “BE READY, IT IS TIME.”

If you are feeling like you need to start organizing, decluttering, almost like a mother who is, “nesting,” before the baby comes, you are not alone.
A woman who nests, knows the baby is close and she needs to Be ready.

Many of you are feeling that now! I know I am.
Now is the time, to get things in order! Prepare yourself for what is to come. Things are moving VERY quickly.

There is a swiftness, and immeasurable, move of God happening right now. God’s people are being strategically placed in this season. There is a Promotion in the spirit and the natural, coming to the faithful ones.

I see many suddenlies, this month, and especially over the next 3 months.

Many of you will be relocated in the natural, and strategically placed in new places, all over the world. Kingdom assignments and alignments have been released from Heaven, and it is our job to partner with them. But it is equally important to have discernment, when connecting with people, and accepting assignments. Whenever God releases a thing, the enemy is quick to release a counterfeit.

Many of you, are in toxic relationships, (some of them are intimate, business and church related.) They are wrong alignments, the Lord never intended for you. He is asking you to trust Him, for the way out. IF you make the plan, He will make a way. But YOU have to be willing to move in faith, when He says so.

I encourage you to begin to pray and ask God for, “wisdom, discernment and the ability to steward well, what He gives you, whether it be little or much.” These are 3 keys that will prepare you for what God is doing.


A few Practical applications; (How to prepare)

*If God has told you, you are moving, start packing by faith.
(I packed my favorite things, my books)

*If God has told you, it’s time to leave that toxic relationship, begin to look for other opportunities, look for ways out, start saying, “No,” to things they want you to do. Pray that God would prepare their heart for the disconnect.

* If you are believing God for a spouse, make sure you are healed from any previous relationships. Make sure you are becoming the wife or husband that someone is praying for. Many times, we have expectations of what we want our spouse to be, without working on ourselves. Pray for your future spouse to be whole.

*If God has told you, He is healing you. Believe Him. But also begin to take better care of yourself. Eat healthier and exercise if able. Many times we are sick, because of our own lack of discipline. God wants you healed, but He also expects us to be good stewards of our bodies.

*If you are praying for finances, make sure to steward well what you do have. If you can’t be trusted with little, don’t expect increase. Start making a plan and stick to a budget. And don’t forget to SOW, wherever you are being fed. God does not need your money, but He does need your trust and obedience.

Friends, this is NOT a boat hugging season! This is a water walking season. It is time to step out of the boat and do it afraid!

There is a SUDDENLY and supernatural favor attached to your, YES in this season. You don’t have to have it all figured out. You just need to yield, and give Him your Yes!
The season is here, the time is now. BE READY!!
Mega Momentum is coming!!

Amos 9:13-14The Message
“Yes indeed, it won’t be long now.” God’s Decree.
“Things are going to happen so fast your head will swim, one thing fast on the heels of the other. You won’t be able to keep up. Everything will be happening at once—
#beready #newseason #megamomentum #born2inspirelife #2021
#discipline #wisdom #stewardship #propheticword